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發表於 2008-8-28 22:39:54 | 顯示全部樓層 |閱讀模式
Taiwan Conglomerates
Rising Political Risks upon Media Pressure on Far Eastern Group (遠東集團)
What's New — Apple Daily today reported that Douglas Hsu, the chairman of Far Eastern Group, bribed the former first family with US$11.5mn in 2004. We maintain our view that the legal system won't reach a conclusion fast, and it may be too early to say related companies have no investment value fundamentally. However, the event implies the risk that the media may frontrun the government and push for stricter investigations into the recent scandal of the former president, and we believe the news would, in the short-term,
affect sentiment in the Far Eastern Group companies, and probably even for other companies close to the former president.

What if...: Our fundamental view — If the prosecutors can't find evidence or agree to pardon Douglas Hsu in exchange for testifying against the former president, the impact should be minimal for Far Eastern Group. However, if Douglas Hsu is found guilty and is convicted, the risk is that the operation of the group will be affected given his tight control over the group, and no strong successor is in sight. In our view, Asia Cement is relatively immune as the operation and strategies are guided by their senior consultant. On the other
hand, Far Eastern Textile and Far Eastern Department Store rely more on Douglas Hsu, as the first is the holding company and the second needs Douglas's guidance on expansion plans.



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發表於 2008-8-30 10:55:41 | 顯示全部樓層

嗯嗯 ~一點小意見

我個人對遠東沒特別好惡~ 但是它的股性算是活潑的一族 ,卻是不爭的事實 ,

作帳行情也從 不會缺席 .


我個人會去找適當的買點切入 遠東目前幾隻股票 ,


至於官商勾結 ~ 我想大集團每個頭頭都會吧 ! 不然怎麼生存 ? 我就不信王永慶 跟李登輝 , 郭台銘


跟 陳水扁 ( or 江澤民 ) 從沒打過交道 . 遠東徐旭東只是被爆出來的 , 很多見過阿珍 有頭有臉的人


是還沒曝光的 .

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